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Techy Tuesday: New App of the week

Alright ya’ll asked for it, we will be starting App of the Week on Techy Tuesdays with #cherryruffinorealtors. Our first favorite app find is…drum roll please….Cartwheel. Have any of ya’ll heard of the new #cartwheel app from #Target?  I LOVE IT!!! and I’ m not even a couponer! Taylor and Stephanie on our team are obsessed with Target and I told them about it as well and we all seem to like it so we just had to share it with ya’ll…

Ok so what is it? Well it’s a free app that gives you different percentages off particular items within Target ranging from Home Decor to baby items to womens and men’s clothing (basically all departments). You click on the coupon saving you want, it will save it to “MyCartwheel”, then when you’re shopping you just pull up the app and show the cashier and they will scan the barcode the app created for you and boom instant savings! Oh ya and it works with coupons for those of you who do clip and you can use the same deal over and over! (well until it expires but it’s not a one time use thing which I thought was cool!) 

So go download Cartwheel NOW and let us know if you’re as addicted as we are! Happy #techytuesday!!

What you would see on your phone when using the app..

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