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  • Coldwell Banker United Realtors won Judges Award in BCS Christmas Parade 2013

Coldwell Banker United Realtors won Judges Award in BCS Christmas Parade 2013

Sleepy Elves on Christmas Morning!
Sleepy Elves on Christmas Morning!


At the Bryan/College Station Christmas Parade today we were sleepy elves on Christmas morning after a busy evening preparing Santa for his world-wide gift delivery!

The 87th annual B/CS Christmas Parade’s overall theme was “Christmas Morning” and we were thrilled to be a part of the Coldwell Bankers United Realtors float!

We played classic Christmas songs from our float while Cherry narrated what was going on. Our big yawns, having much needed Starbucks and Advil, and falling asleep were tough to miss in the bright red and green costumes we wore. We must have caught the judges’ attention because we won the Judges Award!

On the Coldwell Bankers United Realtors float (#36), we tired Texas elves braved the cold! It was about 40 degrees, (with a high of only 42!) which is abnormally coldfor this time of year in College Station.

We invited parade-goers to park at our office because we have a wonderful view of the floats strolling by, and offered our guests cookies, hot cocoa, apple cider.

This was our seventh time in the Christmas parade, and probably our coldest!

All the people that go out to see the floats and endure the weather make the Parade so much fun!

“My favorite thing about having a float in the Bryan/College Station Christmas Parade is seeing all the little kids’ faces light up as we go by,” Katie Ruffino said.

It was a fun way to kick off the holiday season and we can’t wait to do it all over again next year!

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