Building relationships has proven to be the key to Jarrett's professional success.
For more than 20 years as a hair stylist and luxury salon owner, he worked throughout
Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Santa Barbara, San Francisco and Dallas,
styling hair and building trust with clients; delivering the best service to every person
that sat in his chair.
When the world changed in the Spring of 2020, an opportunity for reinvention was
recognized and seized. Jarrett, Tyler and their 3 dogs sold everything and moved into
their motorhome to begin a great adventure. Soon thereafter, they were led to
Aggieland and Texas A&M where the adventure continues.
After completion of their new home in the Oakmont community, Jarrett knew where he
was going to take his talent next: Real Estate.
When not working for his clients, Jarrett can be found digging in his garden, playing on
the pickleball court, cycling through town, walking his dogs or practicing yoga.
As a real estate agent, Jarrett is ready to help you close the deal with trust, confidence
and style.